Most recent change of RecommendedReading

Edit made on January 20, 2020 by ColinWright at 10:28:54

Deleted text in red / Inserted text in green

Here I want Moved to collect a list of recommended reading for people interested in maths.
Part of the problem is that there are books *about* maths, and books to *learn* maths,
and books to *learn*about* maths, /etc./ So how to arrange this?

I'm interested in suggestions as to how to curate this, and make it easier for people
to find a good recommendation for them.

However, to start, here are some books:

| *Title* | *Author* | *Comment* | *Recommended*by* |
| Hello World | @FryRsquared (Hannah Fry) | | @MikeAndAllie @ColinTheMathmo |
| Weapons of Math Destruction | @mathbabedotorg (Cathy O'Neil) | | @MikeAndAllie |
| Artificial Intelligence: A Guide for Thinking Humans | @MelMitchell1 (Melanie Mitchell) | | @MikeAndAllie |
| You are a Mathematician | David Wells | A good way to see the difference between _ studying the discipline of mathematics _ and doing mathematics. | @RobJLow @matheknitician |
| Infinite Powers | Steven @Strogatz | | @RobJLow @marian_v_o |
| The Joy of X | Steven @Strogatz | | @RobJLow |
| How not to be wrong | @JSEllenberg | | @RobJLow |
| In search of infinity | Vilenkin | | @RobJLow |
| The Penguin Dictionary of Curious And Interesting Geometry | | | @matheknitician |
| Music of the Primes | @MarcusduSautoy | | @johng225 |
| Fermat’s Last Theorem | @SLSingh | | @johng225 @ColinTheMathmo |
| Concepts of Modern Mathematics | @JoatStewart (Ian Stewart) | | @Tomboktu |
| Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal Golden Braid | Douglas Hofstadter | | @Tomboktu |
| Cracking Mathematics | @IceColBeveridge (Colin Beveridge) | | @ColinTheMathmo |
| Foolproof | Brian Hayes | | @IceColBeveridge |
| The Theory That Would Not Die | Sharon Bertsch McGrayne | | @IceColBeveridge |
| The Order of Time | @CarloRovelli | | @marian_v_o |
| A Compendium of Mathematical Methods | @MathsJem | | @Heimdayl |
| The Indisputable Existence of Santa Claus | @FryRsquared (Hannah Fry) _ Dr Thomas Oleron Evans | | @Heimdayl |
| Humble Pie | @StandUpMaths | | @Heimdayl @ColinTheMathmo |
| Beyond Infinity | @DrEugeniaCheng | | @KellyDarkeMath |
| The Art of Logic | @DrEugeniaCheng | | |
| How to Bake Pi | @DrEugeniaCheng | | |
| The Ultimate Mathematical Challenge | UKMT | | |
| Alex's Adventures in Numberland | @AlexBellos | | @ColinTheMathmo |
| Can You Solve My Problems | @AlexBellos | | |
| Cabinet of Mathematical Curiosities | @JoatStewart (Ian Stewart) | | |
| 17 Equations the Changed the World | @JoatStewart (Ian Stewart) | | |
| Things to Make and Do in the Fourth Dimension | @StandUpMaths | | @ColinTheMathmo |
| Chaos | James Gleick | | |
| A Mathematician Plays the Market | @JohnAllenPaulos | | |
| The GCHQ Puzzle Book | | | |
| A History of Mathematics | Carl B Boyer | | |
| AntiMatter | Frank Close | | |
| Euler's Gem | @divbyzero (Dave Richeson) | | @ProfNoodlearms |
| Maths on the Back of an Envelope | @RobEastaway | | @last_centurion @ColinTheMathmo |
| Mathematics for Human Flourishing | @mathyawp (Francis Su) | | @KellyDarkeMath @ColinTheMathmo |
| Winning Ways | Berlekamp, Conway, and Guy | | @ColinTheMathmo |
| The Mathematical Experience | Philip J. Davis and Reuben Hersh | | |
| How to Think Like a Mathematician | @k_houston_math (Kevin Houston) | | @ColinTheMathmo |
| The Maths of Life and Death | @Kit_Yates_Maths (Kit Yates) | | |
| Mathematician's Lament | Paul Lockhart | | @KellyDarkeMath |
| Art of the Infinite | Robert Kaplan and Ellen Kaplan | | @MohamarF |
| Four Colours Suffice | Robin Wilson | | @MarHarStar @ColinTheMathmo |
| The Pleasures of Counting | Tom Körner | | Adam Atkinson |
| A Companion to Analysis | Tom Körner | | Adam Atkinson |
Suggested Reading ...