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[[[>30 This site needs both your time and effort. Your contributions, both in material and editing, will help to make it a wonderful resource. Together we can make this site fantastic. ]]] Please start by reading the Aims and Ideals of this site. Then: |>> COLUMN_START^ !! _Trouble_shooting_ * CommonProblems, includes ** Logging in ** Edit conflict ** Page locked * HelpMe! COLUMN_SPLIT^ !! _Editing_ * Formatting * Automatic Linking * Good Style * SandBox * Facilities Available * Creating Pages * How to include equations COLUMN_END <<| ---- COLUMN_START^ !! Simple markup: * Leave a blank line for a new paragraph * Start a line with a splat (an asterisk) to create a list ** ... or two splats to make a sub-list * Links are created automatically if an existing page name matches your text. ** See automatic linking COLUMN_SPLIT^ !! Guidelines: * If you edit someone else's words, be polite and ethical. * If you add your own material, be clear and concise. [[[ Above all, contribute constructively. Trim the excess, clarify the obscure, and help this site become useful. ]]] COLUMN_END ---- CategoryMeta